Saturday, January 1, 2011

S-P-E-L-L......I hate to spell!!

S-P-E-L-L.....I love to spell S-P-E-L-L.......I love to spell......Its 10am and the TV is blaring this song because if you have a child under the age of 6, I am sure you watch Super Why and you have heard this song many times and all I can think to myself is I HATE TO SPELL. I am really one of the worst spellers in the world. I know this about myself and really I am ok with it most of the time but even spell check can't figure out what word I am trying to say....... it's pretty bad. The worst part is I know how to spell it way wrong so that I can click on the word and find the right spelling with the wrong one. Lame.....I know. I really should just learn the real spelling. I am also really bad with my grammar so if you can't stand the way I write or type. I am sorry but I know it won't change I will always put dot dot dot........and capitalize when I shouldn't and write really long run on sentences because I always have. I think it had a lot to do with growing up. I mean with a last name like English it is expected of you to be good at it naturally. I am totally not that person. In fact I struggle to say the least. I enjoy writing and always have but I rearly do it because of my grammar and spelling well NO world! I am going to write and if you would like to read it enjoy!

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